AI and Machine Learning are among the most important emerging technologies which will dominantly be used in the coming years. Juego Studios excels in building AI modules which can assess inputs and take actions accordingly in achieving the required task. As we are ever in touch with the latest technological developments, we inculcate the use AI in our solutions.
We use AI in game components like characters, props to build the impression of real progression of players and environments. We apply machine learning algorithms in game data which understands solution based on variables and predicts new data behavior depending on it. We use AI to design highly sophisticated NPCs which have left our clients enthralled.
In a simulation, we use AI to assume and predict the probabilities of any process. Right from knowledge representation to data analysis we use AI significantly. For example, in the development of the strongwatch VR application we used AI to simulate the appearance of animals and trespassing humans.
AI and machine learning assist in prediction or suggestions based on data collected by the system. AI is highly efficient in data processing at very high speeds. We can find the use of such AI systems in industries which use Big Data, like healthcare, telecom, manufacturing, etc.
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