NFT Metaverse

By juegoadmin | NFT Game Development | December 23rd, 2021

NFT Metaverse: How to be a Participant in it?

With virtual reality increasing its presence in every sphere possible, it has also entered and transformed the gaming domain as well. On the other hand, the gaming sector is no longer limited to just playing a few simple games while on transit or when you sit on the couch. Looking at the console screens while playing simple 2D games is almost dead now. The gaming sector is one such area that is witnessing immense transformation due to its popularity.

Blockchain and NFT

The introduction of 3D gaming and games which are compatible over multiple consoles brought into the sector the seeds of transformation. Next was blockchain technology which literally took the gaming market by storm. The multiple features of blockchain technology have made gaming convenient and extremely beneficial. Gamers can now transact cryptocurrency in gaming. NFTs are being brought by gamers which can be any digital collectibles. Gamers can buy trade and sell such virtual assets on the NFT game development where the original full work will be owned by the author of those tokens. Gamers can only buy a part of it.

NFT Connected to Metaverse

NFT is now combined with metaverse and that’s the latest technological innovation in the field of the gaming sector. NFT metaverse is a new field in cryptocurrency and it started to show its ascendance right from the end of 2020. Metaverse basically combines the physical world with virtual reality. It entails players to play games by experiencing the characters and the environment. NFT metaverse combines cryptocurrency with virtual reality. In this world, you can do all that you could do in the physical world. You can engage in activities like selling game equipment, selling or purchasing land or any other asset, building arcades, trading NFT works, etc.

The cases of NFT usage are rapidly expanding and thus virtual resources are heralding a new version of the digital world i.e. Metaverse. Facebook’s launch of Meta prefigures the shift of the world towards Metaverse. This might be a fairly new idea in the market, yet this new gaming notion is being well accepted by the players and business owners. NFT-augmented experiences will be a new era at least for social media. Metaverses and NFTs are closely knit, especially in the case of blockchain games. They execute the role of carriers of the value of digital social mediums.

Why Should You Join NFT Metaverse?

Before understanding how you can enter the NFT metaverse, let’s take a look at why you should enter the NFT metaverse. Well, you might already be knowing a couple of facts, but let’s take you through the bunch of key takeaways for you to strengthen your confidence in the NFT metaverse.

  • Metaverse will provide a fair and transparent economy supported by blockchain
  • Metaverses are three-dimensional worlds that let tech giants, businesses, and users explore limitless opportunities for trading real-world services and assets
  • The extremely famous play-to-earn gaming environment will empower users of blockchain gaming mechanisms through non-fungible tokens
  • NFTs are the stepping stones to metaverse which help users with identity and social experiences in the metaverse

How to Participate in NFT Metaverse?

If you are wondering as to how to enter such platforms, then you have landed on the right page. Stay tuned till the end of this write up to get an understanding of how you can participate in the NFT metaverse.

You can either:

  • Build metaverse and then grow new projects
  • Get engaged in existing metaverse projects and continue to play as a player
  • Visit secondary market and trade tokens of the metaverse

Another Interesting Way to Participate

In fact, you can collect in-game tokens via IGO collections of Binance NFT. These offer you a range of in-game assets. Players can collect resources from gaming projects and then import them into other gaming environments to use. This sort of in-game NFTs is highly in demand. This has been evident from the response of participants in IGO launches. Surprisingly, all NFTs have been sold out. Some popular examples of play-to-earn NFT games in the market now include My Neighbor Alice, Axie Infinite, and many others. Binance NFT’s IGO launch is a live example of how the metaverse economy is playing its role. These weekly launches highlight some important in-game assets which allow gamers to enter the NFT metaverse in an early stage. If you are a gamer, you can also explore and trade such assets on the NFT secondary marketplace.

NFT Avatars Let You Participate in NFT Metaverse

Owning NFT assets can signal a player’s support for a project combining virtual and physical worlds. The avatars of NFT can be either your real self or imaginative self. You can use these tokens to hop around within multiple locations on the metaverse platform. Owning such avatars offers you virtual entry to a myriad of amazing experiences in the physical and metaverse world. NFT avatars are greatly helping the players to join metaverse through start-up launches and content creation. Some exclusive instances of such avatars are Cryptopunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club

How are Brands Entering NFT Metaverses?

Businesses are erecting Virtual stores which let customers take a tour and interact with space or 3D products like jewelry, cars, or any other digital assets. These will enable customers to tap into AR, try makeup or shades and also visualize furniture in their homes.

Metaverse’s digital real-estate is also on the rise; an example is Decentraland. It recently had put up a virtual fashion show in conjunction with Adidas. Here designs were auctioned as NFTs. Some bigger brands like Nike and Gucci are offering digital products which allow customizing avatars like sunglasses, shoes, bags, and hats. Disney, Coach, and Keith Haring are also letting NFT metaverse a possible one among users by hosting the virtual pop-up. Visitors can shop virtual and digital gifts like Mickey’s ear, totes, sweatshirts, AR filters. Snap has also joined the league of NFT metaverse by letting users take advantage of the AR platform to try-on hats, sunglasses, and shoes.


If such reads interest you, then find out more at Juego Studios. Besides rolling out some amazing games along with VR solutions and enterprise solutions, we also specialize in artwork, design, and more. Check our portfolio of amazing games for more details.


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