Mobility in healthcare has revamped the whole industry with improvised mobile applications. With digital healthcare industry, we have enabled availability of patients’ data on-the-go, saving their valuable time. Advancements of healthcare services help organizations to improve patient engagement, manage hospital assets and tracking, and to administer medication. With gamification, visualization, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality solutions, Juego Studios delivers mobile-centric healthcare solutions keeping all advanced technologies in mind like IoT and wearables.
We bridge the communication between providers of health care and healthcare consumers with our gamification & visualization solutions. These solutions help to provide the best healthcare service as they leverage technology to engage with consumers in large and multi-specialty hospitals. These solutions can be used to provide consumers with detailed information about the doctors, timings, hospital registration process, booking appointments, test-reports, etc. Consumer engagement defines the viability and growth in any industry, and healthcare industry is no different. By providing secure healthcare solutions for better consumer engagement we ensure that our clients attract more consumers with a better and more engaged service.
With gamification solutions, we provide better learning experience. By implementing gaming elements like badges, leaderboard, scores and levels in practical training sessions, we help to build an engaging teaching session. Instead of going to the laboratory, students/ employees can experience any practical session sitting in a room from a device of their choice and the solution helps to deliver an informative session in a fun-filled and interactive way.
Mobile health or mHealth is very common in Healthcare Industries. mHealth is implementing mobiles or wireless technologies into medical care. We provide the solutions for mHealth to impart information and educate consumers. With mHealth solutions we ensure that healthcare organizations not only remain connected with their consumers but also open a platform to interact and engage with them.
Juego Studios offers 3D visual experience with virtual reality development. Instead of spending capital on laboratory instruments, you can invest in developing 3D visual experience of laboratories. On one hand, it is cost effective and on the other hand, it provides intriguing experience. VR/ AR transform the room totally into 3D visual world where users can be transported into a complete virtual world and enjoy in-hand experience of all the practical processes.
Today, portal technology is helping patients to become active players in their own healthcare. Portal technology permits patients and doctors to access any records online at any time safely and securely, and self service allows patients to register to any hospital on their own. Juego Studios, not only enables portal technology and self-service, but also makes it engaging by omitting mundane tasks or repetitive processes, thereby attracting more customers.
Apps & Games
Years in Market
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