Strong Watch Case Study

About the Project

Freedom on-the-Move (FOTM) is a mobile video surveillance system (MVSS) manufactured by Strongwatch Corporation. It is designed for use by the military, law enforcement, and border security agencies, providing versatile applications such as force protection, counter-sniper, anti-ambush, covert surveillance, law enforcement, drug interdiction, and port perimeter security. The application is deployed on PC, Windows Mixed-Reality, and Oculus, utilizing Unity3D and Shader programming technologies.

Key Details

  • Technology: Unity3D & Shader programming
  • Platforms: PC, Windows Mixed-Reality, Oculus
  • Client: Strongwatch Corporation
  • Target Users: Military, law enforcement, and border security agencies

Features List

  • Drive Mode: Users experience vehicle movement from one point to another within the virtual environment, controlling the system in real-time.
  • Stabilization Mode: Provides a steady camera focus, allowing toggling between stabilized and free modes.
  • POI Mode: Allows operators to choose two preset locations of sensors (TIC/VCC) for fast repeatability.
  • Backlight Mode (VCC): Enables or disables backlight compensation, indicated on the OSD.
  • Auto Exposure (VCC): Adjusts gain and level for optimal image results.
  • Edge Enhancement Mode (TIC): Cycles through enhancement modes for better target detection and recognition.
  • GIS Mode: Provides the operator’s exact location and enables automatic tracking of moving targets.

Development Challenges and Solutions

1. Demonstrating Product Capabilities Remotely


Strongwatch Corporation faced difficulties in marketing the FOTM system to clients located far from Scottsdale, USA, as traditional HD demo videos were insufficient for conveying the product's full capabilities.


Developed a VR simulation that allowed users to experience the full functionality and effectiveness of the FOTM system remotely. This immersive experience used Xbox controllers on a standard PC, in both fixed and mobile modes, along with VR.

2. Integrating Thermal Imaging Features


Effectively rendering the advanced thermal imaging feature of the FOTM system within the VR environment.


Utilized Unity’s post-processing systems and shaders, customizing them to meet client requirements. This ensured high-quality thermal imaging that accurately represented the system's real-world capabilities.

3. Creating Realistic Environmental Simulations


Building a realistic 3D environmental scene to demonstrate the FOTM system's capabilities.


Employed Unity3D’s terrain setup and billboards to create a detailed and immersive 3D environment, enhancing the overall simulation experience.

4. Stabilization and Real-time Control


Simulating the stabilization of the camera mounted on a real vehicle to provide a steady focus during surveillance operations.


Developed a stabilization mode that ensured the video rendering of the camera was steady, allowing users to toggle between stabilized and free modes to experience both conditions.

5. Implementing DVR and Snapshot Features


Allowing users to capture OSD image snapshots and record videos within the simulation.


Integrated DVR mode, enabling users to take snapshots and record videos by pressing the directional pad. Users could also copy snapshots or videos onto a thumb drive, replicating real-world functionality.

6. Ensuring Accurate Sensor and GIS Integration


Simulating the functionalities of various sensors and GIS features within the VR environment.


Implemented multiple sensor modes such as POI, Backlight, Auto Exposure, and Edge Enhancement, each providing specific operational benefits. GIS mode provided accurate location data in terms of latitude and longitude, with the camera automatically tracking moving targets, mirroring the real FOTM system's performance.

Value Delivered

The Strongwatch Freedom on-the-Move (FOTM) VR simulation successfully addressed the client’s needs by providing an immersive and comprehensive demonstration tool. The VR experience allowed potential customers to interact with and understand the system’s capabilities remotely, enhancing Strongwatch Corporation’s marketing and sales efforts. The project received positive feedback for its realistic simulation and effective representation of the FOTM system’s features, meeting the high expectations of both the client and end-users.

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