Today, Windows is the most dominant operating system for desktops and laptops. With the release of its mobile and Xbox compatible versions, Windows is now a popular platform for gaming. Juego Studios designs and develops engaging 2D and 3D games for Windows devices. Our team of skilled windows game developers have worked on a variety of games across different genres.
Today in the present market, Windows is the most dominant operating system holding its mobile and web version. With new updates in its mobile platform, it also assists to deploy thrilling, aggressive and enticing games.
Windows is among the most widely used gaming platforms. The simple interface and flexibility of the platform are one of the prime reasons behind its popularity. With the launch of Windows 10 and the Universal Windows Platform (UWP), it is easier to create games for windows mobile, tablets, PCs, phones, Xbox One, Surface Hub and HoloLens with just one API set.
There is a thin line difference between a conventional game developer and a game development partner. We at Juego Studios promise to take up the latter role. Right from the commencement to the execution of the project, we will be standing by your side with our creative inputs and agile execution.
With extensive practical experience and experimental attitude, we will surely end up creating digital wonders for you. Our exclusive range of Windows game development services include:
Want to host your game on the most popular operating system? Juego studios is the apt choice for the task. Just specify what your requirements are and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
There is a vast difference between a conventional game developer and a game development partner. At Juego Studios, we imbue a partnership approach and provide inputs throughout the development process. Our team comes equipped with extensive practical experience as well as a love for experimentation and innovation. We specialize in Windows game development with C#,, Cocos-2dx, Corona, Unity3d and other tools and technologies.
Apps & Games
Years in Market