VR Video Game in Unity technology

By Juegostudio | Virtual Reality | July 30th, 2020

How to Make a VR Video game in Unity 3D?

The entire gaming industry has witnessed a significant transformation over the last decade with virtual reality video gaming setting new trends in the market. Virtual reality enabled game entails a sophisticated set of hardware and software components that allow gamers to interact with virtual 3D objects in artificially created but resembling real-life environments. Making virtual reality games is a daunting task as it might seem at first for any game developer starting out in this field.

However, developing a Virtual Reality game is not that hard once you spend time on the different technologies used. The programming languages and technology platforms have evolved from where this had all started and as of today, there are several sophisticated and efficient platforms to develop a game. Let’s first understand why virtual reality games are so popular and what are the future prospects of such gaming technologies.

Advantages of Virtual Reality

1. Innovative and Enjoyable

The best part about virtual reality games is that these reflect great innovative ideas and offer the player with a seamless and enjoyable on-screen experience that sustains over a long period of time. With virtual reality, players now do not have to get out of the comfort of their home in order to go to a multiplex and go to a designated play area to take part in the game.

2. Safe and Controllable

While playing outdoors could expose you to certain risks such as risks of falling and hurting yourself, the same type of games could be played in an artificially controlled environment that would keep you safe from injuries.

3. Learning

Often the games powered by virtual reality are excellent ways to help players learn different real life skills in some way or the other. The way these games are developed and designed, the player needs to interact with real life like objects and environments, which build an environment of active learning unlike most of the traditional games where the player used to be part of a passive environment without much ability to interact.

What Is Unity 3D?

There are broadly two types of technologies in virtual reality – augmented reality and mixed reality. Though there are several programming languages you could use to develop these games such as Java, HTML, C, C #, Unreal and many more, Unity 3D has gained massive popularity over the last few years. So what exactly is Unity 3D and what are the underlying reasons for its popularity. Unity is a cross platform gaming engine which currently supports game development on more than 25 platforms.

With Unity 3D, building games in both 2D, as well as 3D, is not a big hurdle. Whether you would want to develop a game for mobile using unity, desktop, web or a gaming console, Unity 3D offers simplified solutions for the beginner as well as the expert coder. Unity 3D has a plethora of interesting features and a great vibrant community for making your game development journey a great learning experience.

There are several skilled game developers that you could hire to transform your imaginations into gaming reality. Juego Studios is one such place well known for its capabilities in the space of development of games powered by augmented and virtual reality experiences for any platform – mobiles, PC, desktop or gaming consoles.

How to Develop a Virtual Reality Video Game in Unity 3D?

Developing a VR game in Unity 3D can be done by following the below steps.

1. Download the Latest Version of Unity

Unity is a free platform for personal usage or just experimenting. If you would build games professionally, Unity provides power packed features that come with additional cost.

2. Download Required Plugin

Before starting off with a new project, you need to ensure you have the required Android or iOS modules loaded. The Google VR SDK plugin is required if you are developing your game on Android whereas you would need the Xcode plugin on iOS.

3. Set up A New Project

The first step is to create a new Unity project and give it a name. Once it is created you would be prompted to add an asset following which you would need to download the Environment package. Once you have the environment settings applied, you would need to let Unity know if you are preparing the VR environment for Android or iOS. If you are preparing for Android, you need to import the Google VR SDK for Unity package from Assets.

4. Make the Scene VR Enabled

In order to enable VR settings on the scene, you need to click on File, then build, and next select Android. After this you need to select Landscape Left and switch platform from the bottom section of the window, failing which you might end up getting errors. The next step is to enable Virtual Reality support from under the Project Settings tab. It is also important at this stage to select the SDK.

5. Fine Tuning the Environment

Once all the above settings are completed, it is time to fine tune the environment by deleting objects or adding and modifying them as per your requirements to a scene. There is a hierarchy from where you can select different objects to add to your scene such as hills, mountains, blocks, and so on.

6. Add Hardware to Test out How the Final Look Is

A VR controller would be required at this stage to evaluate how your game would look to the player and how the objects would interact. At this stage, you might want to change actions to your created objects and modify them to suit your end goals.

7. Test the Game

Once everything is all set you need to test out how your game would look when in production.


The VR gaming experience is bringing in more active players than ever before. The immersive experience that virtual reality enabled games provides leaves the gamers with a whole new gaming experience. If you are a business or individual interested in building state of the art games, a game development company like Juego Studios is the right place for you.


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