Kids Educational Game

ReadyK game illustration
  • Technologies: Cocos2D-X

Ready – K! is designed to facilitate a successful transition to Kindergarten by providing parents and teachers with objective and comprehensive data concerning their child’s readiness for Kindergarten. Ready K! was listed TOP 100 paid app under Education category in United States Store. In Ready – K! we believe that in order to teach a child, you first must think as a child!


Ready-K! covers 8 fundamental skill sets:

  • Quantitative language
  • Early literacy (including print awareness, vocabulary, alphabetical knowledge and phonological awareness)
  • Visual discrimination (including visual scanning, event sequencing, size comparison, classifying and pattern)
  • Color Awareness
  • Geometry
  • Math and numbers awareness (including number recognition, rote counting, one-to-one correspondence, number sense, addition and subtraction)
  • Positional understanding
  • Descriptive language
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